Othello 1st Avenue Reconstrution

Rough roads in Othello received reconstruction, improvement and more from Varela
In the early 1990’s the Washington State Department of Transportation reconfigured the on/off ramps from State Route 26 and State Route 24 routing traffic onto 1st Avenue in Othello, Washington. The resulting traffic, largely semi-truck traffic, caused a rapidly failing road section.
As a result of three sequential funding packages and engineering design provided by Varela, 5,400 lineal feet of roadway was reconstructed. Additional upgrades included replacement of leaking water mains, installation of stormwater conveyance systems, construction of ramps to meet ADA requirements, and repair of failing sidewalk sections.
The final lift of the asphalt included the addition of high-tensile strength fiber, resulting in a higher strength, but thinner HMA section with lower cost.
The roadway reconstruction project cost nearly $2.5 million, with 90% of the project costs were funded by grants.
Key Project Staff: Kurt Holland, Tran Pham
Funding Sources: TIB, City funds
Implementation Timeline: Approximately 1 year